

These satiny kits are coming to moi, many thanks to Denise of Blue Heron Prairie! We are still working out the details of transportation, but I am so excited to meet this adorably tiny blue doeling and handsome opal buck! Opal may be one of the most amazing colors ever IMHO. I will be spending the next few days obsessing over baby names (any ideas?) My herd is quickly expanding without even a thought of breeding, which suits me fine (at least for now!) I am, after all, a rabbit pirate on the high seas of the woolie: been getting ready for the exciting spin-a-long to the Tour de France known as the Tour de Fleece Fish!)


  1. I need to figure out the red eye function on the camera...reading manuals is not my forte I would rather push buttons until I figure it out...but that is not the easiest way is it. I'm pleased as punch that these little cuties get to come live with you.
