
grey girls

same ole late-afternoon squall.
our old hounds have terrible thunderstorm anxiety, so we drug them and curl up together..
sometimes i have a little something for relaxation myself.
seems a good time to be doing the august break over here...
i did it a few years ago and it was renewing.  
i'll be traveling and posting pics, 
and amusing myself with snapseed,  
and trying to keep up with Karen Ruane's embellishment class..
i love her work, but i'm soo enthralled by her voice!  i could (do) listen to her for hours.

if you miss me, go listen to Namaste Farms blog talk radio --
i'll be the co-host for august!!


  1. what beautiful images, Dru, of your ole' sweeties. xo

    1. they are such sweeties! thank you for seeing. xo

  2. Lovely August travels to you! There is nothing like dog's eyes :)

  3. So glad you will be on Namaste Blog Radio. I heard you on the last episode and loved it. Namaste is definitely my favorite blog radio to listen to as I spin.

  4. it makes me smile that you love the sound of my voice. In England it qualifies as ''common'' as in the opposite of posh but hey, I'm proud of my Northern English heritage so thank you!

    1. oh karen, thanks so much for visiting and commenting! i do love your voice, it's like music to me!

  5. such faces! and i will go and look at your links. thanks.
