This needle felted rabbit by Pat Murphy of Murphy Bears still has me slack-jawed. Her daughter, Jennifer Murphy, makes the most achingly adorable creatures as well.
These satiny kits are coming to moi, many thanks to Denise of Blue Heron Prairie! We are still working out the details of transportation, but I am so excited to meet this adorably tiny blue doeling and handsome opal buck! Opal may be one of the most amazing colors ever IMHO. I will be spending the next few days obsessing over baby names (any ideas?) My herd is quickly expanding without even a thought of breeding, which suits me fine (at least for now!) I am, after all, a rabbit pirate on the high seas of the woolie: been getting ready for the exciting spin-a-long to the Tour de France known as the Tour de Fleece Fish!)
i've been meaning to post some pics of our newest longeared family member, but with things being so crazy, well, you know. she's an appaloosa mule, and full of personality. doesn't she remind you of the spotted horse from pippi longstocking? it's also wild having a whinny around here rather than just a bray - she sounds like a ghost laughing in the night.