
A copse

This is looking out onto our new pasture.  
I was wondering what was in there, 
and hoping it wasn't a bunch of old junky appliance parts.
I love how land and houses always come with some mysteries.  

Is it an old well-house?  
It has some faucets and a cistern-looking thingymabob.
It's supposed to be on public water now.

It's an odd sort of structure with a triangle of limbs built up and suspended with pulleys..

All built around this tree, which is loaded with little purple berries.

You can probably tell that we visited the house yesterday.
I took lots of pics (more to come)..
and we close on Thursday!  


  1. An old still? Random, cinder blocks are sure nice to have around for doing things with!!

    1. hmm, if only, and if it could be put back in use.. YUM.

  2. this place seems surrounded in mystery- that's a good sign!
