
sunday random

as much as i love being a hermit, i'm so enjoying a number of collaborative projects these days.. it must be my time to work together closely with friends... sometimes it's odd because i am not used to being accountable to anyone any more, but it is enlivening too to feel part of things again.

i hope you all have seen our giveaway on ragtime?! please enter if you are being shy! join our pyjama party!!

i've been reading and learning and working on the garden, but the tick situation here is really off-putting right now. the other morning i came in from filling water buckets with at least 100 seed ticks on me. seed ticks are the worst little fuckers ever. how am i supposed to get on with my farming and homesteading plans for fall?

so while i'd like to be playing outside in the cooler temps, today i am content to look out the windows and do some stitching. also very worried about my papa who is still in the hospital, with a tumor.. no real news yet but lots of phone and worry.


  1. Oh my goodness ! This pink floss ! I am in love !!!
    It's looking fab already !

    But -oh no- just read the news about your papa ... I didn't know ... Is that effin thing everywhere or what ? :(

    x x x

  2. Thinking about you and your papa, dear...I'm so sorry he's not well.

    Loving the lacyness...whether that's a word or not...


  3. Beautiful picture the one with the moth..I whish you a lot of strenght in this difficult period in your life....Warmly thinking of you.
